• patients who may directly benefit from insights gained via EHR data analyses,
  • healthcare providers who register data in EHR systems,
  • researchers who want to reuse EHR data for research to close knowledge gaps,
  • EHR vendors who make EHR systems
  • privacy officers who make procedures about EHR data reuse
  • gata stewards who help in EHR data extractions and pre-processing
  • the government who issues laws that impact EHR data reuse.


During the 2nd user committee meeting, the first steps of LEAPfROG were presented and discussed. This steps included assessment of data quality, creating a list of kidney problems due to drugs, knowledge graphs (soon more about this topic), and information needs of physicians. Jurjen van der Schans gave a presentation on PITTS. PITTS is a partner of the LEAPfROG project and offers a web application for living systematic reviews en meta-analysis. The system supports researchers in undertaking the reviews. You can find more information on the website: Living systematic review software | Pitts. In total, 31 participants were present during the user committee meeting. It was very interesting and inspiring and we will use the insights to create the learning medication safety system of LEAPfROG.


Joris, Daniel en Romy started their PhD trajectory! They will contribute to LEAPfROG work packages 1, 2, 3 and 4. Today, they presented their PhD plans during the yearly PhD day of the department medical informatics of Amsterdam UMC.


The LEAPfROG kick-off meeting was very informative. Many different professionals were present, including: doctors, patients, pharmacists, companies, regulatory institutions and researchers. We will include the advice in our plans to increase the possibilities for success of LEAPfROG in creating a real and sustainable impact.


Our research project LEAPfROG officially started!


LEAPfROG is a scientific research project and is leveraging real-world data to optimise pharmacotherapy outcomes in multimorbid patients by using machine learning and big data. LEAPfROG is a private-public cooperation between Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit, Open Universiteit and eight private partners. LEAPfROG is financed by NWO for 70%. The private parties are co-funding the project for 30%.


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