Which people are working on LEAPfROG? Find the research team, private partners and the advisory boards of LEAPfROG.
Research team

dr. Joanna Klopotowska
Main applicant and project leader LEAPfROG
Leader work package 5

dr. Ronald Cornet
Leader work package 1

Prof. dr. Ron Herings
Work package 1

dr. Iacopo Vagliano
Work package 2

dr. Giovanni Cina
Leader work package 3

Prof. dr. Ameen Abu-Hanna
Work package 3

Menno Maris
PhD student Ethical guidance

dr. Stephanie Medlock
Leader work package 4

dr. Linda Dusseljee – Peute
Work package 4

Joris Lieverse
PhD student work package 1 & 4

Daniel Fernandez Llaneza
PhD student work package 3 & 4

Prof. dr. Mariette van den Hoven
Ethical guidance

dr. Birgit Damoiseaux-Volman
Knowledge utilisation & outreach

Prof. dr. Annette ten Teije
Leader work package 2

Prof. dr. Frank van Harmelen
Work package 2 & 3

Romy Vos
PhD student work package 2 & 3

Prof. dr. Cornelis Boersma
Work package 2 & 5
In the LEAPfROG project, we work together with 8 private partners. These partners invest in LEAPfROG with financial resources, time, knowledge or with techinical skills.

The Dutch kidney foundation (Nierstichting) supports LEAPfROG in-cash and gives advice on conduction of the study and knowledge utilization as member of the user committee.

The Nationale Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) supports LEAPfROG in-cash and gives advice on conduction of the study and knowledge utilization as member of the user committee. Patients admitted to the Intensive Care often suffer from drug-induced kindey disease, including acute kidney injury.

“PHARMO Instituut is dedicated to the study of epidemiology, drug utilization, drug safety and health outcomes.”
PHARMO supports LEAPfROG in-kind with the access to PHARMO data. In addition, PHARMO gives advice on pharmacoepidemiology as member of the scientific advisory board.

“We strive to improve the clinical trial experience for patients, sites and sponsors, using technology to accelerate every step of the clinical trial journey.”
Castor supports LEAPfROG in-kind with tools to make data FAIR and supports in the use of these tool.

“Z-Index maintains and updates the G-Standaard, the Dutch drug database which is used by all parties in healthcare in the Netherlands.“
Z-Index supports LEAPfROG in-kind with knowledge and advice on the G-Standaard.

“Maximize therapeutic success with precision medicine. We empower life science and provider healthcare organizations to individualize treatment from clinical development to the point of care.”
Insight RX supports LEAPfROG in-kind with software, development and integration.

“Digital Health Link offers the solution for sustainable data exchange and data-driven activities for a healthier society.“
Digital Health Link supports LEAPfROG in-kind with the discussion and judgement of possibilities for new data procedures.

“Pitts offers web application software for record screening and data-extraction specially developed for living systematic review and (network) meta-analysis.”
Pitts AI gives advice in work package 2 on the ‘living systematic review’ of scientific papers on drug-induced kidney disease.
Advisory boards
The scientific advisory board and societal advisory board periodically receive information on the LEAPfROG study and results. The advisory boards support the project in knowledge dissemination of the results through their (inter)national networks. Furthermore, they are actively involved in the LEAPfROG research. The advisory boards can identify improvements in medication safety and patient care and they can integrate these within the LEAPfROG developments.
Scientific advisory board

Prof. dr. Luuk Hilbrands

Prof. dr. Teun van Gelder

Prof. dr. Nicolette de Keizer
Prof. dr. Kitty Jager
dr. Otto Maarsingh
dr. Vianda Stel
Societal advisory board

Renée de Wildt

Erol Hofmans

Heiralde Marck

dr. Jan Pander

Ruben Boyd

Jasper Boomker

Gerty Holla
Laetitia Stuijt

Dennis Japink

David de Koning

LEAPfROG is a scientific research project and is leveraging real-world data to optimise pharmacotherapy outcomes in multimorbid patients by using machine learning and big data. LEAPfROG is a private-public cooperation between Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit, Open Universiteit and eight private partners. LEAPfROG is financed by NWO for 70%. The private parties are co-funding the project for 30%.